I had been toying with a name for some time. I knew my blog was going to be a reflection of my own life, focusing mostly on the transition to healthier living. My husband jokes about how I've become such a "hippie". What he doesn't know is that I'm still far from it. I've learned a lot in the past year-ish but I'm still learning and having a hard time "practicing what I preach" while still maintaining some balance and sanity. But, I digress. Back to the name. Before I used the word "hippie" for my blog name, I wanted to confirm that this term applied. So, how does one conduct comprehensive research to ensure accuracy? Of course! Google! I quickly found a WikiHow article How to Be a Modern Hippie. Let's examine this for a moment:
- Listen to oldies music - Check! I've grown up listening to just about all of the artists they list. Honestly, I like almost any genre of music. I'm currently infatuated with what I consider to be a group that represents the "modern hippie" style of music - Mumford & Sons. Best concert ever!!
- Be organic - Check! Well, almost. This lands in the financial aspect of that balancing act. I buy mostly organic produce, especially for my daughter. I buy free range/grass fed meats and meat products as much as possible, but $25 for a single chicken!! Sorry, not there yet. I aspire to someday have some land and grow some of my own produce and meats. And no, you'll never catch me being a vegetarian or supporting it. For more info on this click here.
- Look like a hippie - Check! While I haven't fallen victim to tie-dye apparel, floral prints, or headbands, I do typically dress comfortably and not according to current trends. My weekend attire could easily land on People of Walmart. I do shower and shave (although not as often as I'd prefer - sorry Hippie Husband) but I use baking soda and apple cider vinegar on my hair and an oil based soap to wash up and shave. I've always reserved make-up for special occasions (again, sorry Hippie Husband) and keep it relatively natural as far as that goes too.
Yes, I would wear this in public and probably did - Be an individual - Check! I've always been a rebel and love to argue my point, even if I'm wrong (which is never).
- Be calm, cool, and collected - Check! Hippie Husband tends to get frustrated with my blasé attitude. I tend to not be very animated or excitable nor easily agitated. Hippie Grandma tends to overreact when it comes to Hippie Baby and thinks I am a little too laid-back. I will say, my stress has greatly increased with the addition of Hippy Baby and transitioning to a traditional diet - it's A LOT of work! Maybe I need to start meditating.
- Find your opinion and voice it - Check! I'm constantly forming new opinions and changing as I learn new things. While I'm not an activist, if you give your opinion you better be ready for mine. I believe everyone has a right to their opinion and I try not to judge people for their ignorance (for lack of a better word). After-all, there was a time that I thought organic food was nothing more than just expensive.
- Be in touch with nature - Check! I love the outdoors - so long as it's not cold! I love nature and animals and outdoor activities like hiking. I just wish I got out more often.
Hippie Husband and Hippie Baby on a
wonderful Sunday morning stroll. - Know that you DO NOT and should not get in drugs just because you want to be a hippie - Check! Wait, does coffee count as a drug? Not in this context? Then Check. I have no desire to use any substances, even abstaining from widely excepted things like pain relievers and alcohol. This isn't even because of my new hippie status. I just never thought OTC drugs made any sense and I've never really enjoyed drinking. Maybe I do need to meditate and go hiking more often, as the article suggests.
- Be open minded - Ummmm... I might need to work on this, which I am. I try to preface a lot of my comments with "In my opinion..." or "If you ask me...". I know that just because it's something I currently believe that does not mean that I'm correct. But a lot of times I really do think I'm right - especially when arguing with Hippie Grandma. So I know there's lots of room for improvement in this category.
- Be smart - Does blog reading count? I have read the GAPS book. That counts, right? In all seriousness, I do love to learn and I hope to start school this fall and maybe pursue a career in Nutrition or Dietetics. Can you tell I'm scared of this thought?
- Be green - I hate littering and do make an effort to recycle and not waste but I still have a lot of room for improvement in this category. Maybe this is the next topic I need to start reading up on.